
Additionalpricingresources.AWSPricingCalculator.EasilycalculateyourmonthlycostswithAWS.GetPricingAssistance.ContactAWSspecialiststogeta ...,EstimateyourcostsusingtheAWSPricingCalculator.TofindthebestS3storageclassforyourworkload,learnmorehere.PleasenotethatwelistStorage ...,AmazonGlacierCost-Estimator.Anunofficial,hacked-togethercost-estimatorforAmazonGlacier.ViewtheProjectonGitHubbrandt/amazo...

Amazon S3 Glacier API Pricing

Additional pricing resources. AWS Pricing Calculator. Easily calculate your monthly costs with AWS. Get Pricing Assistance. Contact AWS specialists to get a ...

Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service Pricing

Estimate your costs using the AWS Pricing Calculator. To find the best S3 storage class for your workload, learn more here. Please note that we list Storage ...

Unofficial Amazon AWS Glacier Calculator

Amazon Glacier Cost-Estimator. An unofficial, hacked-together cost-estimator for Amazon Glacier. View the Project on GitHub brandt/amazon-glacier-calc ...

AWS Pricing Calculator

AWS Pricing Calculator lets you explore AWS services, and create an estimate for the cost of your use cases on AWS.

AWS S3 Pricing Calculator

Estimate your AWS S3 costs. The key factors that impact your AWS S3 costs are the amount of data you store, the amount of data you transfer out of AWS S3, the ...

從每月成本簡易計算器估計遷移到AWS Pricing Calculator

不支援的服務和功能AWS Pricing Calculator ; Amazon S3 Glacier. 冰川選擇 ; Amazon CloudSearch. 整個服務 ; Amazon SimpleDB. 整個服務 ; AWS Key Management Service.

Unofficial Amazon AWS Glacier Calculator

This is a single page javascript app that helps you estimate the cost of AWS glacier. It is not endorsed by Amazon AWS. The rates are referenced from the ...

AWS Glacier Pricing

S3 Glacier is a very low-cost cloud storage offering from Amazon Web Services (AWS). It's around $.005 per GB per month, or $5/TB per month to store your ...

Deep glacier and precise cost calculations.

2020年5月17日 — I'd take a stab with AWS calculator How many API requests you'll make is an enigma for me personally. I just eat the cost and assume the worst.